What is your favorite candy & why?

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My favorite candy as a kids was Smarties. I love chalk candies & how they melt on my tongue and the little burst of fun. Plus what a great branding game. Smart people = smarties. Share your thoughts below.

One response to “What is your favorite candy & why?”

  1. My least favorite trick or treat gift was pencils.

    My neighbor gave out apples 1 year. Lots of kids turned them into softballs & tossed theirs under her tree.

    Speaking of healthy – I had a little girl (age 5) came to my door for trick or treat. I was being exceptionally clever that year so I was giving out soda pop. I offered her a sprite. She looked at me with a stumped look on her face and asked What it was? I explained it was pop. She turned up her nose & informed me that she wanted candy. LOL
    Good thing I had both that year. Could you image no soda by age 5.
    Wait that was my childhood also.